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主题: [普克笑话]比尔-盖茨下地狱
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作者 [普克笑话]比尔-盖茨下地狱   

警告次数: 1

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 博导
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 1970/01/01
文章: 2900
来自: shenzhen
海归分: 185838

文章标题: [普克笑话]比尔-盖茨下地狱 (1632 reads)      时间: 2006-9-27 周三, 19:25   

作者:四大寇海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Bill Gates dies and goes to heaven. Saint Peter greets him at the pearly gates and says, "Bill you're such a unique individual that we've decided to give you a choice between heaven and hell."

Bill thinks about this and asks if he can get a look at the two options.
St. Peter says, "Sure, I've got a couple of windows you can look through."
So he opens the window to heaven and Bill sees lots of angels sitting on clouds plucking harps.

Peter then opens the second window to hell. It's a brightly lit casino – lots of people drinking, laughing, and having a good time. There are naked dancing girls on stage and in the corner a nice little poker room. Doyle, Mike and other poker greats are playing Bill's favorite $3-$6 Hold'em. There's an empty seat with chips and they wave at Bill to come join them in the game. Bill tells Saint Peter that he's decided that hell looks like its more fun than heaven and he wants to join the poker game. Saint Peter snaps his fingers and Bill's wish is granted.
彼得又打开第二个对着地狱的WINDOW,是一间灯火通明的赌场,一大群人在那里吃呀喝呀的,笑着,快乐的不得了。午台上,有女郎表演裸舞。角落那边还有个不错的POKER ROOM。几个大牌普克名家象多意尔、麦克等一帮人,正在玩盖茨最喜欢的3-6块德州普克,桌子上还有个空位子,有一堆筹码,他们招手叫他来一起玩。盖茨告诉彼得,地狱看起来比天堂好玩多了,他决定去打普克!圣徒彼得打个响指,盖茨立刻如愿了。

Well about 6 months go by and Saint Peter decides to see how his friend Bill is doing. He opens the window to hell and there is Bill shacked by his ankles, hanging over a fiery pit. Peter asks him how he likes his new home.
Bill says, "Saint Peter, this isn't anything like you showed me. What happened?"
Saint Peter responds, "Sorry Bill, I thought you realized that was just the demo version".

作者:四大寇海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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