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主题: “美华画像” (A Portrait of Chinese Americans)发布
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作者 “美华画像” (A Portrait of Chinese Americans)发布   


文章标题: “美华画像” (A Portrait of Chinese Americans)发布 (1883 reads)      时间: 2008-11-14 周五, 20:24      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Organization of Chinese Americans

OCA/AAST — A Portrait of Chinese Americans

OCA and the Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland through a unique national nonprofit-academic partnership, proudly present A Portrait of Chinese Americans. The Portrait provides a 64-page, full color portrayal and analyzes the latest statistics, charts, tables, and maps about the diversity of Chinese Americans. The top eight Chinese American metropolitan areas have profiles that include voices from these communities, maps showing Chinese American concentrations from 1970 to 2000, and future projections of Asian Americans in year 2012.

Following the national analysis is a presentation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concentration maps for the top eight communities of Chinese Americans in video format. Each of these areas are highlighted by the inclusion of spatial GIS concentration maps of the percentage and count of Chinese Americans from 1970 through 2000, as well as a map projection of the distribution of Asian Americans in 2012.

A Snapshot of "A Portrait of Chinese Americans" acquaints the reader with the key findings of A Portrait of Chinese Americans and includes information on population, residential patterns, employment, income and poverty, education, multiethnicity and multiraciality, and naturalization of Chinese Americans.

The GIS concentration maps are created using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 Decennial Census, and they capture the latest trend in the changing demography and social composition of the eight largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) where Chinese Americans reside.

  中新网11月14日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,一项针对在美华人的最新研究报告指出,当前华人小区极为多元化,不但背景有差异,华人小区也有贫富两极化的情形,以及存在就业后收入与当初花大钱上名校的投资报酬不成比例等现象。

  “美华协会”与马里兰大学亚美研究所当地时间11月12日在华盛顿公布迄今针对在美华人最详尽的社会现状调查报告:“美华画像” (A Portrait of Chinese Americans)。



  主持这项调查的马大教授品川(Larry H.Shinagawa)说:“这项研究显示华人进入美国主流生活的进展,以及他们面对的挑战。这项研究也确实显示不能再把所有华人视为单一群体。这个人口群的不同群体有非常不同的需求,不能采取‘一体适用’的做法。我们希望体认这种多元差别有助于引导决策人员,使他们的决定能够为所有华人和亚裔改善生活。”




作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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