海龟网iphone app正式上线, 可从app store 免费下载安装
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#1: 海龟网iphone app正式上线, 可从app store 免费下载安装 (130648 reads) 作者: mmpower来自: 3333 文章时间: 2011-4-28 周四, 13:07
作者:mmpower海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

update 5/20/2011:

终于入驻iphone app store 了: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id438046601

大家可以在iphone上的app store 里搜索“海归网”,然后免费下载安装。谢谢各位支持。


注: 在ios4.2 以上版本的iphone/ipood touch 上测试过。其他版本的ios未经测试。


我的第一个mobile app,  拿龟坛练练手。still in testing phase and a lot to do. expect bugs/missing features etc. but it’s functioning Smile

some screen shots:

I am going to put in iphone app store soon so everyone can download and use it. But for now if you are interested you can download directly from this l<x>ink:https://files.haiguinet.com/newupload/1303967070_251haiguinet.tgz
. you will need  to have your iphone/ipod touch Jai1broken ( https://lifehacker.com/#!5771943/the-always-up+to+date-guide-to-jailbreaking-your-ios-device ) in order to install it, as it's not an official appstore app yet.

作者:mmpower海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由mmpower于2020-6-26 周五, 08:03修改,总共修改了2次

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