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主题: 海补班作业系列【营销】雀巢奶粉在美国是如何运用”农村包围城市”策略的
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作者 海补班作业系列【营销】雀巢奶粉在美国是如何运用”农村包围城市”策略的   

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
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加入时间: 2004/02/20
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文章标题: 海补班作业系列【营销】雀巢奶粉在美国是如何运用”农村包围城市”策略的 (3092 reads)      时间: 2004-3-05 周五, 00:13   

作者:牛仔海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


*背景:早在1970年雀巢(Nestle)就尝试在贫穷的发展中国家推广婴儿奶粉, 但被发现由于教育水平低的母亲们掌握不好冲奶粉的配比以及受不洁水源的影响, 很多吃奶粉的婴儿有营养不良和免疫能力低下等状况。鉴于此,国际卫生组织(WHO)于1980年通过协议限制在发展中国家推广婴儿奶粉。雀巢也因此退出了加入协定的发展中国家如墨西哥等地的市场。美国虽然也加入该了协定,但并没有立法限制婴儿奶粉的销售,因此雀巢从88年开始在美国展开它的圈地行动。











Aura: impression, feeling

e.g….for many immigrant women from deprived backgrounds, bottle feeding has an aura of acculturation and prosperity.

Wean: to detach from that to which one is strongly habituated or devoted

e.g. …a mother who supplements with formula is likely to wean her baby from the breast early


Nestle Markets Baby Formula
To Hispanic Mothers in U.S.

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- By the dozens, mothers with strollers and protruding bellies approach the stand of the only infant-formula company exhibiting at an annual baby-products fair here. Like many others, Alicia Araujo leaves the booth clutching a free sample can. "They were very helpful," she says, pushing a carriage with her four-month-old, Danielle.
Nestle SA is betting on Hispanic mothers like Mrs. Araujo to boost its share of the $3 billion U.S. infant-formula market -- and some doctors and breast-feeding advocates are irate. The company has begun promoting Nan, a leading brand in Latin America, just as the U.S. government is poised to launch the first campaign in a century to persuade low-income, minority mothers to breast-feed.
At issue is whether companies should market baby formula to low-income immigrant mothers when health experts and government officials agree that breast-feeding is healthier, and saves in long-term health-care costs. Most health professionals say breast milk is superior to formula for infants, except in rare cases such as when a mother is HIV-positive. Doctors also recommend that all women breast-feed their babies for at least the first six months of life.
Nestle came under fire in the 1970s for the way it marketed infant formula in the developing world to poor, illiterate women who often misused it. Health professionals at the time found bottle-fed babies sometimes became undernourished and suffered from chronic illnesses because their mothers were watering down the costly formula to make it go further or they were preparing it with contaminated water.
That prompted the World Health Organization, in 1981, to devise a voluntary code whereby countries and companies, particularly in the developing world, agreed to restrict the marketing of formula. And indeed, Nestle doesn't advertise Nan in countries such as Mexico, which follows the WHO code.
The U.S. also signed the code, but never enacted laws to restrict marketing of formula here. The Swiss company takes care "to make sure that all advertising stays in the U.S.," says Kathy Mitsukawa, a marketing associate for Nestle.
"We have launched Nestle Nan in the U.S. with a fully bilingual label so that U.S. Hispanic moms, who choose not to or cannot breast-feed, can make an informed choice with regard to their child's nutrition," says Lisbeth Armentano, a spokeswoman for Nestle's U.S. unit in Glendale, Calif. She adds that the company believes breast-feeding is better for babies and even says so in its advertising.
Nestle entered the U.S. formula market in 1988 with Carnation's Good Start line. But the Swiss food titan has only a sliver of the market dominated by pharmaceutical companies. Abbott Laboratories, maker of Similac formula, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s Mead Johnson Nutritionals, which makes Enfamil, have long enjoyed an inside track in pushing their products because of their ties to the medical establishment. Many hospitals distribute free samples of Similac or Enfamil to mothers of newborns when they check out, a practice that breast-feeding activists and some doctors criticize. Research shows that many mothers end up using the formula they get for free at the hospital. While the two companies do some advertising, Nestle alone markets with radio spots and promotions at baby fairs. However, the company also is trying to break into the maternity ward, Ms. Mitsukawa says.
The numbers help explain why Nestle is focusing on the 38 million Hispanics in the U.S. They already make up 13% of the total population and that percentage is expected to grow to 20% of the U.S. population by 2020. "Hispanic households tend to be larger and have growing birth rates," Ms. Armentano says. In addition, Hispanic mothers in the U.S. tend to be less educated, and research suggests that women with less education are more likely to bottle-feed their babies. That makes them a desirable marketing target for formula companies.
Critics say that also means Hispanic mothers, who lack fluency in English, won't get enough medical advice to make an informed choice between formula and breast-feeding their infants. And, for many immigrant women from deprived backgrounds, bottle feeding has an aura of acculturation and prosperity. "Nestle is using a vulnerable population for a grab at market share," says Marsha Walker, executive director of the National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy, an organization that works to make breast-feeding a public-health priority.
Doctors also voice concern. "I am very much opposed to any marketing at all of infant formula. It should not be regarded as a growth area for companies," says Larry Gartner, neonatologist and head of the American Academy of Pediatrics' breast-feeding division.
Still, the reality is that many Hispanic mothers must work and can't be with their babies all day, or some find their babies aren't thriving with breast-feeding and are receptive to the formula makers' pitches.
Nestle posters at the "Yeah, Baby" Expo proclaim in Spanish that "women in Latin America have trusted Nan for more than 40 years." To cater to Hispanic moms, Nan puts instructions in Spanish right on the can; other formula brands in the U.S. require customers to snip off the label for Spanish directions on the inside.
"Hispanic moms in the U.S. are familiar with Nan ... and asked us to carry it," says Nestle's Ms. Armentano.
Some Hispanic mothers dispute the claim that breast-feeding is better. At the Anaheim hospital where she gave birth, Eva Hernandez said the nurses encouraged her to breast-feed, but she didn't see any health benefits for Marcos, her firstborn son. He "got colds, ear infections and sore throats," she says. She breast-fed her second child only four months, then switched to formula and "he was much healthier," she says. She didn't breast-feed her third child at all: "I simply don't have time to breast-feed."
Nestle officials decline to disclose details of the marketing strategy for Nan, including how much it will invest in ads. The company first advertised the brand last year on billboards in Hispanic enclaves of Los Angeles and Houston. But recently it kicked off a national campaign, placing ads in Spanish-language parenting magazines and radio.
"I filled out the form to get coupons," says Michelle Hernandez, 29, of Garden Grove, who was at the Anaheim fair. At as much as $13 per twelve ounce can, "formula can get expensive," she says.
The problem, critics say, is that a mother who supplements with formula is likely to wean her baby from the breast early. At six months of an infants' life, 36% of white mothers breast-fed, 32.7% of Hispanic mothers and 19.2% of black mothers, according to a 2002 study by Ross Products, a unit of Abbott Laboratories.
Breast milk helps prevent allergies, infections and other illnesses in infants. Studies also show that raising breast-feeding rates would save families, insurers and the U.S. government millions of dollars each year on health care.
In the face of such evidence, the U.S. government is launching a major campaign to promote breast milk with public-service announcements. Created by the Ad Council, the spots will target minorities and low-income women because they show the lowest rates of breast-feeding, said people familiar with the campaign.
Back at the Anaheim baby fair, Rosie Sanchez, who works as a clerk, has formula-fed her two American-born children, and plans to do the same with the third on the way. "Women only breastfeed in Latin America because they can't afford to buy formula," she says.

作者:牛仔海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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