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主题: ZT: 洋妞中国下岗及找工记 (1)
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作者 ZT: 洋妞中国下岗及找工记 (1)   
所跟贴 ZT: 洋妞中国下岗及找工记 (2) -- wanderer - (4891 Byte) 2004-3-01 周一, 17:12 (633 reads)

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文章标题: ZT: 洋妞中国下岗及找工记 (3) (655 reads)      时间: 2004-3-01 周一, 17:15   

作者:wanderer海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

March 06, 2003
I found a job!

I found a job. To say that, it seems like I am dreaming these days! So many weeks of waiting, wondering, and weariness, and now I bask in the calm of finally being hired.

It was my first interview in Shanghai, strangely enough.

Goodness knows, the week before I'd been a ball of nerves while my life was "packed up before my eyes". Boxes, bags, and belongings, and all the while PRAYING that everything would fit inside the van John had arranged for my move.

And the landlord...I was dreading our last meeting. In my heart, I knew he wouldn't be angry for my leaving March 1. Yet, I despised his miserly ways and his passion reserved for money. There's nothing more distasteful than making conversation with such a fellow.

But, March 1 came...and, to my surprise, everything went without a hitch. I coughed up the remaining bills for the landlord, squeezed every bag into the van, and said goodbye to the "other side of heaven".

Yet, when I arrived in Shanghai, I thought of nothing but that interview. My apartment, a "garden of bags", was put on hold while I prepared for the meeting on Monday.

This was not just any company. It was an American-based company. They had a sleek, clean website geared towards volume buyers from North America and Europe. They had clear standards for good work. And, when I peeked at their office on that Sunday, it was intimidatingly professional. Hell, they had an office right in downtown Shanghai.

I set to work that evening, preparing to sell myself as the perfect copywriter for their company.

Come the next morning, I headed down early, organizing my thoughts. Beyond trying my best, I held no expectations.

Well, after an hour and a half interview, they WANTED me. This was not one of those "we'll call you in a week" moments. This was one of those "when can you start" moments. I was in shock, and even more when they said "what are your salary expectations? We just want you to be happy here!"

Was I still in China?

Yesterday, I received the confirmation call for the job. I was in. And the benefits and salary? Well, let's just say they exceeded even my most MODEST expectations!

More than anything, I look forward to this opportunity. I guess I've seen some "basic Chinese companies", and fallen prey to some of their pitfalls too...but now I'm excited to get inside of a MODERN company in China.

I still think of what some people said back in Hangzhou, before I left. There are those that warned me of the competitive job market. Some suggested I already consider teaching English. And some told me to forget about getting a good salary.

And I say, who says it's impossible?? Smile

作者:wanderer海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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