85% of CXOs View ‘Collaborative Web’ as a Major Business Opportunity

According to a survey of senior executives worldwide by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 85% of C-level executives see the sharing and collaboration aspects of Web 2.0 as an opportunity to increase revenue and/or margins.

The study, "Web 2.0 Goes Corporate," consisted of in-depth interviews with corporate leaders as well as a global survey of senior executives.

“We were surprised by the level of excitement among big firms concerning the commercial possibilities presented by Web 2.0,” said Dan Armstrong, editor of the report. “Our survey respondents and interviewees saw Web 2.0 as an opportunity, not a threat, and were extremely creative in applying the idea of the collaborative network to their own products and processes.”

Armstrong found that large companies are already using Web 2.0 tools and methods in a variety of ways:

"So far, companies have focused their Web 2.0 efforts mainly on the creation of online communities that can help with product marketing or product development. In second place is the establishment of blogs or wikis to initiate conversations and share knowledge inside or outside the company."
“The Economist study confirms what we’ve heard from customers and partners — that collaborative Web 2.0 technologies are becoming more important to organizations,” said John M. Lervik (pictured), CEO of FAST, sponsors of the report.

“We expect to see a rapid acceleration in the Web 2.0 adoption curve, as business leaders recognize the value of community-sourced information made accessible and actionable via search technology. Perhaps more interestingly, we expect to see Web 2.0 principles take off at the enterprise level, fundamentally changing how organisations innovate and execute.”