“Love Actually” is such a wonderful love story, it is very catchy and touching. I accidentally watched the movie when I was on a flight from hk back to the states two days before Christmas last year. yeah, I do need to get back for Xmas otherwise I would be in trouble :-) , in addition to that how could I miss all the goodies and the party : -)

It is a movie about various love stories around the Christmas, which occurred in London. It is supposed to be a sort of comedy, but I found it is more than joyful laugh. The most touching screen was that two best friend both loved one girl named Juliet (Keira Knightley), but one guy named Mark(Andrew Lincoln )never told the girl that he loved her since he really valued his friendship with another guy. Eventually Mark was the wedding planner for the wedding of Juliet and his best friend, it was the wonderful wedding ceremony full of joy and love. Afterward the Juliet found out that all the video shots were focus on her instead of whole wedding when she wanted to borrow the wedding type from Mark, she realized the feeling from Mark for her. IMHO, The climax of the whole movie was at Christmas night when Mark bought some poster boards on which he wrote the most beautiful thing I could ever think of to the beloved person:

on sheets of poster board]
Mark: [on sheets of poster board] With any luck, by next year - I’ll be going out with one of these girls.
[shows pictures of beautiful supermodels]
Mark: But for now, let me say - Without hope or agenda - Just because it’s Christmas - And at Christmas you tell the truth - To me, you are perfect - And my wasted heart will love you - Until you look like this
[picture of a mummy]
Mark: Merry Christmas

the background music was “Silent Night”, I have to say that my eyes got wet at that moment, it was the moment I felt enlightened by the purest, the most unselfish, the most passionate, the most romantic, the most beautiful love story. It has been so long I had that kind of feeling.

Love is not about to possess, it is about to compromise, it is about you are willing to do anything you could possibly do to make the one you love happy. When you are saying “ for better or worse, rich or poor ….” You DO mean it. It is a commitment you are going to make for rest of the life to take care the person you love. it is hard to find in this cold material world, but there is a hope, that was the message I perceived from the movie. At that moment, I felt the power of the love, I felt myself was so ugly. I felt that there was another “Shangri la” existed.

Nowadays we are so busy chasing the “symbols” in materialism, people are willing to betray their value of decency, respect, self-esteem, passion, love to exchange for instant satisfaction.

I bought the movie right after it was released, again, it is going to be another Christmas, I wholehearted wish everyone will find your “love”. I don’t know your guys, I made a reservation for a trip to Australia and New Zealand with the person I love, and I am going to say when I give my present to her : “ All I want for Christmas is You”……