I always say it doesn’t take money to make money. Sure you might take it with a grain of salt in certain circumstance. What I am trying to say is that you need to be creative in business. An idea matters, especially good one. Don’t scratch your ass and say “geez, how come I didn’t come up that first?” Competition is always there, it is up to anyone who can step up and challenge themselves to another level. There are always room for the right one with right idea. There is always money out there which needs to be made. Being a copycat is fine in certain scenario. Ultimately, it is that innovation and creativity win, period.

Like PC business, I am not sure anyone else, but when I walk into Apple store, there is a “wow”. It is just elegant and stylish. It is just cool. It makes you want it. It creates that appetite. Don’t tell me that there is nothing to be changed in PC business, it is always room for improvement. At the same time, look at the Ipod, it is awesome. You have to give credit to Steve, he is the one who has “it”.

Alright, let’s get back to what I am saying. “how to make half million in a couple of months”. Here is an example. http://milliondollarhomepage.com is a web site created by a 21 years old college dude. The idea is very simple, there are 1 million pixels on the page, $1 per pixel. He get half million now, half of the revenue comes in one month. Well, it is not “next google”, “ebay” or whatever bullshit. It is a simple idea which works! It pulls money in, man. How hard is that? You don’t have to bullshit that hard with your next big thing to make a million bucks, do you? look around, sit tight, then think a bit harder. Just get the simple thing rolling, then you would have more time to craft on your next goofle, yagoo , efay or whatever. man, those are not typos, get it :-)