House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) husband sold up to $5 million worth of shares of chipmaker Nvidia as the House prepares to vote on a bill focusing on the domestic chip manufacturing industry.
P" ...

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Democrats have carved out quite a niche for themselves as the party of the have-nots, even if it’s mostly a hypocritical marketing ploy. Bernie Sanders, the socialist, lives a pretty non-socialist life" ...

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July 4th, 2022迟子建:红绿灯下

在城市,当你走到十字街头时,往往会与红绿灯相遇。 说来好笑,我最初来到城市时,最怕的就是过街。在西安和北京求学期间,只要是有天桥和地下通道,我绝不走十字街。我对红绿灯不信任,它们闪来闪去的,像是两只鬼眼,变幻太快,常常是绿灯一亮,我起步走,却遭逢侧向驶来的一串汽车,它们占据了半边路,阻断你。等它们过去后,你再前行,绿灯的心房就颤动了,红灯随之亮起,你被隔在马路中央,身前身后是川流不息的车辆,有" ...

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