Accounting Manager 财务经理 Company Background:
A European company with more than 300 people in China in marine business. Currently our marine business is under 6 Rep offices (Shanghai, Beijing," ...

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815 次点击    关键字: none
Company: 全资外商广告公司。1978年成立于香港,是中国改革开放初期最早进入中国广告及媒介市场的外资广告公司。在过去的28年中,为超过1000多个国际、国内知名品牌及4A广告公司提供专业化的广告媒体服务。作为一家外资的户外媒体广告的专业公司,主要致力于中国户外媒体的经营、开发、销售和维护。公司的户外媒体主要分布于上海、北京、广州、杭州、成都、南京等全国1-2线主要城市。 总部位于上海," ...

1131 次点击    关键字:

December 12th, 2007英企诚聘Senior Admin

待遇:5,000~10,000 month
About the company: One of the best companies in marine Industry with over a hundred year’s history. And now it is expanding fast in Chin" ...

1002 次点击    关键字: none
工作地点:Shanghai (上海)
薪资待遇:税前1.5w~2w,四金,带薪年假,海外培训机会,享受一切外企福利 About the company: One of the best companies from UK with over two hundred year’s history. And now it is expanding fast in China Repor" ...

1269 次点击    关键字: ,
Finance Controller in China
Annual Salary Package: 500,000—800,000 RMB
Position Location: Center of city Shanghai, China
Report to: 1)Regional Finance Director(British), based in Hon" ...

1200 次点击    关键字: ,
Financial Controller China @ A famous UK company in Shanghai. Annual Salary: 500,000~800,000RMB
__________________________________________________________________________________ Overall Purpose " ...

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