Good letter, but it’s ironic that he did not take his own advice,
worked too hard and died at the tender age of 70. This letter needs to be read again and again. 王选给侄女王侃的一封信 来源:光明日报 侃侃、秦岺:   接到侃侃信,知道秦岺马上去美国" ...

2770 次点击    关键字: none

February 1st, 2006GOOG going back to $250 soon

The day of reckoning finally comes today. GOOG only has about
a little over $5 dollars per share of free cash flow annually, with
a slowing growth rate and contracting P/E, it’s not un" ...

5137 次点击    关键字: none
I think there is an error on your figure on US national
debt, it’s about $8 trillion and translates to about
$27 K every person, and that’s about $1350 a year in
interest pa" ...

2496 次点击    关键字: none
private property by continuing to post extremely
offensive material on this forum. We reserve the
right to report abuses to Univ. of Toledo and escalate
this further.
856 次点击    关键字: none

2175 次点击    关键字: none
5391 次点击    关键字: none
I googled the following story about an old Haigui
for your enjoyment. He had a stable job as a
technical writer for the government before 30, who rose
at the occasion to become a ge" ...

2895 次点击    关键字: none
Well the ticket sells for $35, assuming 2000
were sold that’s $70 K. Assume the promoters
and landlords etc took in half (is that a reasonable
assumption?), the band probably ta" ...

3888 次点击    关键字: none
It’s been nine years since Cui Jian’s last concert in SF
in Aug 95. The difference is obvious. Last time it was
in the afternoon, right next to the bay, with well over
5000 pe" ...

3198 次点击    关键字: none

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